What is Psychological First Aid?
Psychological First Aid is the action of assessing a situation to determine the needs of the individuals who are affected, and implementing the Red Cross Look/Listen/Link/Live model. These skills can be scaled to fit situations of all types.
This program uses the latest evidence-based research and case-based learning to address topics such as:
Personal Protection

Psychological First Aid can be provided at the time of an incident or in the days, months or even years following. It is not counselling or professional services and should be seen similarly to the actions of a person rendering First Aid for an injury. An assessment determines if the first aider will render care themselves, or connect the injured person with more advanced care.
Psychological First Aid can be delivered by either lay rescuers or professional Responders.
Psychological First Aid training is not a new intervention, and though many trained responders have been exposed to information relating to it, it is now becoming operationalized.
The Canadian Red Cross developed this program under the leadership of the Canadian Council for First Aid Education (CCFAE), including Medical Director Dr. Andrew MacPherson.
These topics are addressed with a positive outlook with the goal of building resiliency, which improves outcomes for individuals and others in their care.
Psychological First Aid Course Details
Blended Learning:
Cost $145
1 Hour Online + 1 Day In Class
Included Materials:
Psychological First Aid Workbook:
The workbook is a place for learners to capture their thoughts, reflections, and learning as they engage with the program exercises.
Look, Listen, Link Live cards:
Each card includes the key component fo that particular action within the Look, Listen, Link, Live cycle. These cards are tactile takeaways that participants can reference in the future.